Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the big stink***

i had the worst day in a real long time, to the point i wanted to say *FU AND SHOVE IT!
and walk out on my job, but i regrouped had some lentil soup and a starbucks iced green tea
and i was fine UNTIL i opened the garage door into the house and there was this
know that familiar smell that happens when a dog or cat has the hersey squirts...well, kaj
hit 5spots in a circle on the carpet, it was tres gross! spot bot to the immediate rescue and a call to master clean to clean the carpets STAT! needless to say, there was no cooking or eating at home tonight...we went in honor of my day & evening, i thought the above was perfect!!
after all, kaj is a great dane and makes a great marie antoinette...


Naturegirl said...

What have we here my dear....very sophisticated with that head held high!I hope Kaj isn't ill or was it just attn. seeking. :)NG

One Crabapple said...

sorry about your BAD BAD day..yikes.

but I LOVE your collage / journal page !

very koooool

Anonymous said...

Oh, Kim, you make my day of being barfed on constantly look glamourous!!!! Thanks *grin* Sorry about the mess...I used to have that problem with one of my cats, and sadly we had to put her down, as she did it almost daily. No fun at all.

Glad to see Starbucks rescued you from certain death at work. Days like that make a bubble bath and some chocolate look like absolute necessities!

beth said...

LOVE IT....the picture is GREAT and most appropriate after your day...
I have to tell you about the "little green machine" out and buy one now !!! We have a dog and that machine has saved her butt more then a few times.
You can find them at Target/ShopKo etc. and they are worth every penny. It doesn't matter what needs to be cleaned up/sucked up, this will take care of your problems and carpet and you won't need to hire a professional.

ButtercupElffly said...

OH Whichy, Been there and done that.. I have much sympathy for you... As far as work.. Thank God for the S-Bucks!!


Mary Bee said...

Sorry your day went so askew, but the story made me smile, and my day wasn't so great at work either. Your journal page is wonderfully clever. Love it.