this is one of my early atcs and i love the saying, i really live by it!! will be going to north carolina this weekend for a faerie event!! have a good one and be safe!!~*~*~
Just wanted to let you know your tea cup IS on it's way! The tracking seems that it got stuck in customs, but I'm hoping it arrives soon. Guess Sweden to US takes awhile =)
YOu know what.. I just like life and anything that i find along the way that makes it more interesting I will try and share it with you...PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF MY IMAGES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION....
Yes this to live by after 50!!
Ching..ching..with our starbucks cups!
Just wanted to let you know your tea cup IS on it's way! The tracking seems that it got stuck in customs, but I'm hoping it arrives soon. Guess Sweden to US takes awhile =)
Hope your trip to North Carolina is a great one! Love this ATC, and can, soooo relate!
Great saying, love the ATC and the slightly 'chunky' Mona! Enjoy your trip.
How did I miss this all weekend???? This is so wonderful! I love, love, love everything about it!!! I love the saying too! Immature people unite!
LOL, so cute!!
I am breathing sigh of relief - I can be immature forever! hell, who wants to grow up? Not me !
love this!
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