Sunday, December 02, 2007

rainy sunday~

it is a crap day here in ohio...rainy, cold and just icky! good manor is in the midst of a paint
job right now, a couple of friends actually cute boys are here painting the inside 1st floor .
we will be putting good manor on the market soon and hope to sell her to someone that
will love her as much as we do...anyway, i am sitting here drinking my starbucks coffee
with a little eggnog added instead of cream..try it is tastes so good..that tasty tip is
compliments of kecia.......these lovely gals are compliments of lisa volrath..she is giving 25
free images to download as long as you post her site to yours.....stop over and check it out!


Rella said...

Good Manner is for sale?! What did I miss?? Where are you going?? Oh dear..feeling like Pooh in a bit of a fluster.
xo Rella

Trixie said...

It has been rainy and icky here too! Looks warm and toasty at Goode Manor though!

Anonymous said...

It's a cold and rainy dreary day here in PA also. Is it spring yet?? I get Lisa's Newsletter, she really is so kind with sharing. Good luck with selling the house.

kecia deveney said...

oh my god, you are really gonna do it? (put the house on the market?) have you found something else yet?

misty said...

how exciting! you must be trilled to be putting it on the market...hey if it doesn't sell you can always turn Good Manor into an artist retreat workshop... ;-)

i really miss painting the walls of our house, now that we are renting i can't do it. in our house in erie every room has been painted at least twice and we only lived there for six years...i guess it could be a good thing that i am not allowed to paint the walls here...;-)
thinking of you and julie. xoxo much love. misty

Lani Gerity said...

Hey Kim, any Java Fairy activity over there yet?
If not it should happen soon.